About us
Products / Apps
We at Classplash are a European video game developer based in Germany and Portugal. Our apps provide children with a quality musical education that is accessible anytime, anywhere and for everyone. With newly developed methods, we make learning instruments not only playfully easy, but a unique experience.
The focus of our apps is the didactic content as well as its playful mediation via storytelling, musical background and loving animations. Particularly special is the newly developed sound recognition, which enables a practical and mistake-free learning process. We offer the perfect combination of playful learning, innovative technology and sustainable education with impact.
So far, we have developed programs for learning the recorder (app Flute Master), percussion (app Rhythmic Village), guitar and ukulele (app Harmony City). Even at an early age, toddlers can already make music with Hello Musik (with rattles, drums, claps) or Baby Composer (with a carillon). We also offer a notation software (Cornelius Composer) to introduce children and teenagers to the world of composition, reading music and editing scores.
Our apps are suitable for school lessons as well as for home use. The availability of the app on almost all platforms makes it very easy to start!
We achieve our high quality thanks to a large network of specialists in the field of music education, teachers and over 200 primary school students.
Classplash is for everyone. This spirit is inseparable from our open-minded vision. Every day, we commit ourselves to ensuring a Classplash community without boundaries.
Whether young or old, with or without disabilities, in Portuguese or Swahili, in South America or East Asia: the language of music connects us all. And all together we create an impact in this world.
Teaching people regardless of their environment, whether in the field of music or in dealing with sustainable issues, should not only be a duty, but should be taught with fun, joy and intrinsic motivation. Education is a privilege that can be made more accessible through new technologies. Our video games turn this into reality – making the world a better place every day.
Are these apps in competition with music teachers and music schools?
The contrary is the case: all Classplash products are designed for both classroom use and self-taught learning at home.
We own our own private music school, Academia de Música Classplash, the first Classplash Music Academy, where all our products are used and also where the development of the apps takes place.
Thus, all our products serve as a support for teachers, as they do not require time-consuming lesson preparation for the specific learning topics. Our methods promote a didactic structure that carefully and playfully introduces students to music.
Furthermore, there are special features, such as the display of sheet music in “Flute Master” or the “Solfège function” in “Cornelius Composer”, which are mainly used only by the teacher in class, but not by the students at home. There is the possibility to play certain levels as homework, or to compose a piece of music by oneself in “Cornelius Composer”.
Additionally, the apps are suitable for a digital whiteboard.
Teachers now have the possibility to add more value to their music lessons, introducing children to music theory in a playful way – while at the same time using practical music making on real instruments. After all, we learn to speak first, before we learn to write!
The products “Flute Master” and “Rhythmic Village” have already been used worldwide by different teachers with enormous success – in group lessons, in remote learning as well as in frontal lessons.
Founding history
Classplash was founded in 2013 by João Carlos Duarte Ramalheiro in Portugal. From day one, his motivation has been to bring music to children in an innovative and, above all, sustainable way, regardless of their geographical and social background.
In 2012, the majority of elementary schools in Portugal were equipped with notebooks and digital whiteboards as a compensatory response by the Portuguese state to educational gaps with other EU countries. However, this did not take into account that good technical equipment also requires suitable software and specific training for teachers.
For Carlos Duarte, when he first entered one of these digital classrooms, it was immediately clear that he had to make use of these devices and their unlimited potential.
He had the idea to take his students on a journey into a wonderful world of music – and thereby founded “Oratio Classroom – The World of Music”.
“Oratio Classroom” began as a software concept that was developed together with over 200 elementary school students, who themselves influenced and specified how they imagined this world of music – in form of narratives or drawings.
The resulting teaching concept was able to be implemented using standard Microsoft Office products. Using PowerPoint, Duarte introduced his students to the “world of music” together with the fictional pirate Oratio, today still the hero of all Classplash products.
From then on, the lessons became a colorful and entertaining exploration of the world of music, following the footsteps of the pirate – with the attention of all the students captivated.
Finally, Duarte came to Microsoft’s attention and was invited to present his teaching concept to the worldwide forum “Partners in Learning” – with great success! In this format, imaginative teachers present their concepts, which are in turn evaluated by a jury. Duarte achieved second place in May 2012 and first place worldwide as the most innovative teacher in November 2012.
With these awards, Duarte founded Insignio Labs on Feb. 26, 2013, renamed to Classplash in 2017. For this reason, the former concept “Oratio Classroom – The world of music” is now promoted under the name “world of music”. All learning apps published by Classplash are based on this method.
In order to enter more new markets (especially the German one), Classplash GmbH was founded in May 2017, which took over all distribution and marketing rights as of January 2018. The conceptual design, development as well as the associated testing continues to take place in Portugal. Carlos Duarte Ramalheiro’s brother Rui Duarte Ramalheiro has taken over the management of the GmbH.
Classplash Bundles
Our bundles include the instruments matching the respective apps, together with our software: Ideal for the first steps into music making. Via Amazon and our own webshop, the “Flute Master” app for example can be purchased directly with a matching high-quality recorder. Currently, the sale takes place within Germany and will now be expanded to France, Spain and Italy. A distribution within the USA and Canada is also in planning and should be realized for 2021/2022.
Until June 2021, our instrument bundles were also sold through our distribution partner Voggenreiter. Now, however, a full shift to self-distribution in online retail has taken place.
Our sets are accessible across ages, languages and cultures and are used worldwide. For the packaging of our Classplash products we cooperate with a workplace for people with disabilities.
We that our bundles emit less CO2 as possible. We ensure this by offsetting and optimizing our supply chains. Nevertheless, we are aware that the production of our bundles cannot be realized completely emission-free and without long distances. At the moment, cross-continental production is still necessary in order not to have to lose quality. But it does not stop here: It is our daily task and duty to make these conditions even more sustainable, step by step.

João Carlos Duarte Ramalheiro is founder of Classplash (formerly Insignio Labs. Lda), idea developer and composer. Born in Isny im Allgäu, he moved to Portugal to study music after graduating from high school. Today he owns a private music school (Academia de Música Classplash) where all Classplash products are in use and tested with the students and teachers before release.. Interviewlink

Rui Duarte, brother of Carlos Duarte, is CEO and shareholder of Classplash GmbH. He is responsible for sales, partnership building and marketing of Classplash products. He graduated with a degree in automotive engineering and worked for several years as a project manager in the automotive industry. The idea and vision of Classplash inspired him from the beginning, so that he now dedicates himself completely to this task.

Ralph Suikat has joined Classplash as a business angel. The entrepreneur from Karlsruhe founded his first software company in the early years of the Internet. Today, he uses his experience and network to support young entrepreneurs with capital and know-how through his family office 4L Vision GmbH. In addition to the financial return, the social and sustainable impact of the company also plays an important role for him. Interviewlink
Currently, there are five more employees working at Classplash, who take care of the design, development and testing of the software. Most of them joined Classplash from the beginning and strongly believe in the vision of Classplash. Their base is the Classplash Studio in Portugal.
Classplash is very proud to be a company based in Europe. Here both roots of founder and CEO are closely connected.
Flute Master
Promotional video (for online stores / retail / advertising campaigns etc.)
Features and didactic approach
Innovative learning system for finger positioning and note reading
30 exclusively composed music pieces with didactic background
Access to a wide range of songs
Scoring system that motivates students to progress
“Play-along” sheet music function for all composed music pieces and for aural training
Integrated color system for the musical notes to facilitate note reading
Perfect for self-taught learning (private at home or as homework)
Also ideal for use in the classroom (frontal, group or individual lessons)
Developed for and with children
Technical features
Real-time recognition of the instrument via microphone
Recorder fingering: Baroque, German
Languages: German, English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Dutch, Slovenian, Italian, Danish, Chinese
Worldwide 1. price of the “Educator’s choice” by Microsoft Partners in Learning
App of the year by Innteach
App Me Up – VIP Best App by Microsoft Portugal
5 from 5 stars by TOP Best Apps for Kids
Prestige Awards – Music App of the Year 2020
Worldwide, learning to play the recorder is associated with reading musical notes. Music beginners are quickly discouraged by this, especially because they do not yet have a developed musical ear.
Furthermore, music and elementary school teachers face a great challenge in getting their students interested in “black dots” on a 5-line system. The main difficulty is to involve the children emotionally in the lessons so that they can identify with the teaching content.
Making it fun for kids to play a musical video game with a real recorder and then have them learn to read music afterwards was the key idea behind the development of Flute Master, with the goal of “Wow, I had fun and learned something too!
Description (factual)
With “Flute Master” you learn to play the recorder. The game is able to recognize the notes played on the real instrument via a built-in microphone. The app also includes over 30 songs composed specifically for the recorder and music lessons, as well as a frame story, lovely animations and original characters. In addition to learning how to use a flute, it also teaches the notation system and a sense of rhythm.
Description (emotional)
Do you sometimes have the impression that playing the flute is rather monotonous and difficult? Or do you even think that it gets boring quickly? Well, then you should try “Flute Master”! In this game you’ll easily learn how to play the recorder, while having an exciting adventure in the world of music. All this you’ll learn on a real instrument and gradually improve your musical skills! The first positive results will already be heard after a short time.
And do you know what your game controller is? THE RECORDER!
You, Susana and Oratio, the little pirates, will dive into the world of music and help the dragon Cornelius protect his strawberry tower from greedy bats. Yes, in this magical world bats love strawberries and you have to help Cornelius to stop this!
Rhythmic Village
Promotional video (for online stores / retail / advertising campaigns etc.)
Features and didactic approach
Child-friendly introduction to playing percussion instruments
Interactive learning system for rhythmic note reading for both young and old
An amusing story with original characters
70 rhythmic challenges with increasing level of difficulty
Ear training through special exercises
Musical notes set to music for educational purposes
16 virtual instruments to explore and play
Interactive learning system for reading music
Scoring system that motivates students to improve
Perfectly suited for self-taught learning / private at home or as a homework assignment
Also ideal for use in the classroom (frontal, group or individual lessons)
Developed for and with children
Especially suitable also for people with disabilities
Technical features
Real-time instrument recognition via microphone and also playable via keyboard or touch screen
Languages: German, English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Dutch, Slovenian, Italian, Danish, Chinese
Worldwide 1. price “Educator’s choice” by Microsoft Partners in Learning
5 from 5 Stars by TOP Best Apps for Kids
Award “Goldene Biene” by Beste Kinder Apps
Prestige Awards – Music App of the Year 2020
Teaching students to read sheet music has always been a challenge for elementary school teachers – even more so for self-taught and private learning at home. The main problem is to involve the children in the lessons or to animate them in such a way that they can identify with the teaching content. Due to their only partly developed cognitive abilities, they find it increasingly difficult to correctly interpret black dots on a 5 line system – even more so as the complexity of the note values increases.
The students can now learn these skills by visiting a village called “Rhythmic Village”. Here, thrillingly animated musical notes can be discovered: The so-called “Rhythmiacs”, which challenge the children in exciting ways. From playing a real percussion instrument to pure aural training, Rhythmic Village covers a variety of innovative learning methods.
Description (factual)
“Rhythmic Village” was specifically designed to enable and encourage learning of rhythm and note reading in a fun way. Both real and digital percussion instruments can be used for playing. Through the lovingly and remarkably joyful designed “Rhythmiacs”, the note or rhythm sequences are presented in a child-friendly way. This creates a playful link between making music and the classical notation. The concept is unique and results in very quick learning success – and is designed to be cross-age, cross-linguistic and cross-cultural.
Description (emotional)
Have you ever tried to play the drums and realized that sheet music is not for you at all? Well, that’s over now! Experience a completely new way of reading note values!
You, Susana and Oratio, the little pirates, visit the “Rhythmic Village” in the world of music, where you will meet a fun folk called the “Rhythmiacs”. They literally have the beat in their blood!
On this adventure, you’ll learn the basics of reading music, play percussion instruments, and improve your sense of rhythm. Grab your tablet, phone or PC and get started!
Cornelius Composer (6+)
August 2018
Basically all, but especially instruments with colored notes (carillon, boomhackers, piano, etc.) – However, Cornelius Composer has no microphone recognition, so practise using a playalong function!
Age recommendation
From 6 years
Target group
Children between 6-12 years, teachers (music as well as non-music teachers from public and private schools) & music beginners
Sales price (app)
iOS / Android: 29,99 (online)
Windows / Mac: 29,99 (online)
Available as a bundle?
In planning
Available for
Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS (from 10.9), iOS (from v.10), Android (from v. 5.0 and suitable end device required)
Features and didactic approach
Intuitive and simple user interface for both young and old
Designed for school children as well as music and elementary school teachers
Create and save compositions quickly and easily
Import and export function in MusicXML or Midi to continue editing these compositions e.g. in another software
Export as PDF for printing and/or sending
Music note colors can be individualized and animated
Playback in Solfège language (do, re, mi) as well as different musical instruments
Live editing of the composition during playback possible
Loop function to support the learning progress of an instrument and aural training
Switch between drum notation (rhythmic view) and melody (normal view) with just one click
Ideal also for use in lessons (frontal, group or individual)
Technical features
Designed for touch screen devices as well as for use with a mouse
Available in English, German and Portuguese
Import of formats: MusicXML, Midi
Export formats: Midi, MusicXML and PDF
Motivations for development
There are many different notation softwares to create and edit compositions. However, these solutions are often very complex due to the overloaded user interfaces and function scopes. Also, they often are very expensive. Beginners and newcomers to the field of music composition are therefore quickly discouraged and do not even try. Creating a composition on a blank sheet of paper is also out of the question for most, which means that creative ideas usually fall by the wayside.
By working closely with educators, we have therefore focused our attention on students, teachers and newcomers, and strive to provide added value to these groups. We have succeeded in doing this with Cornelius Composer.
The focus is on four main features:
a) Display of the animated musical scores of the Classplash Music series.
b) Simple and intuitive user interface
c) Support for reading sheet music through…
“Solfège function” where sheet music is replaced by sung note names
“Switching function” between the melodic and rhythmic display of the score
d) Focus on the target groups with the necessary range of functions
Technical features
Real-time recognition of the instrument via microphone
Designed for touch screen devices
Available in English, German and Portuguese (more languages planned)
Harmony City (9+)
What if you could learn to play chords on the guitar or ukulele while playing along with your favorite cover songs on YouTube? With „Harmony City“ you will be able to learn to play the REAL INSTRUMENT together with our YouTube Cover Artist Community! Designed for all ages and works with any guitar or ukulele.
The app listens to your playing and gives accurate feedback if you are playing the right chords. If you are struggling with strumming technics, don’t be afraid because „Harmony City gives“ you the freedom to explore each song by following your sense of rhythm!
You will play together with well-known artists on YouTube, learn new chords, make high scores, and have joyful/electrifying moments by giving „Harmony City“ its energy back!
New songs are added frequently, as well as step-by-step tutorials to improve your strumming technics. Play along with your favorite songs and make your dream come true – become the next superstar!
App highlights at a glance:
Learn chords right away!
Playing with YouTube Artists that you love!
Instant feedback on playing from the app
High-quality video tutorials (How to hold, tuning, the first chord…)
Simple to use tuner included
Improves chord switching skills
Level progression based on the World of Music Curriculum
Read and play chord shapes/tabs
Beautifully designed to match any ages
Part of the World of Music Educational App Suite awarded worldwide.
Technical features
Real-time recognition of the instrument via microphone
Designed for touch screen devices
Available in English, German and Portuguese
Hello Music (2+)
Explanatory videos
Features and didactic approach
Free exploration of musicality or first musical experience: discovering, playing.
Get to know the “Mujies” – living musical notes in form of animals
Teaches sense of feeling, empathy and emotions
Intuitive controls and gameplay, suitable even for the youngest children
No reading skills required
Language training – Ma-Ma/Pa-Pa
Association of sounds with animations and notes
Intensifies togetherness between child and parents
Sing well-known children’s songs together with parents
All 7 musical notes playable in the form of animals
Simplified interface – no distractions during play
Parents settings accessible only through a sequence of characters
Child friendly and safe
Especially suitable also for people with disabilities
Technical features
Real-time recognition of the instrument via microphone
Designed for touch screen devices
Available in English, German and Portuguese
Motivations for development
Reading music is often a major obstacle in music education, and it’s common for even creative kids to lose interest. We at Classplash believe, that this does not always have to be the case. Introduction to such symbolic language should be introduced between 1-6 years of age, as every child thinks symbolically and processes information in the form of images during this period of language development. (Jerome Bruner/Jean Piaget).
The focus in the development of “Hello Music” was to make the first contact with musical notes amusing and affectionate for these children, so that they can experience their musicality through the principle of “action-reaction”.
This knowledge can then be further deepened in the following apps of the Classplash Music series. Each musical note learned is given its place on the music sheet and the musical notes. Then, little by little, they lose their “animal” shape. The result: This solid pedagogical context of the Classplash Music series leads to a long-lasting early musical education.
Hands-on music making is very often a foundational practice element for kindergarten-aged children. Not only music-loving educators can offer the Classplash Music series as a fun way to engage the new generation. In addition to having fun and exploring music, educators can ensure children have a simplified introduction to elementary school music lessons.
Children with disabilities are also included in this concept. Everyone can have fun with Classplash!
Description (factual)
“Hello Music” offers children between 3 and 6 years the first contact with musical notes and free music making. One of the seven loving music notes “Mujis” is waiting for interaction by making sounds. Through the free exploration of one’s own musicality, the associated songs and colors, as well as the sung musical notes (Solfége “Dó, Ré, Mi”), the kids not only have lots of fun, but begin to distinguish the different musical notes “still enchanted as little animals”.
Description (emotional)
With “Hello Music” you offer your child the first contact with early musical education by allowing it to interact with lovingly animated musical notes. The “Mujis”, in form of little animals, are sleepy creatures that only become active with the sound of a musical instrument. The more the instrument is played, the happier the “Mujies” become: free music-making may begin!
Baby Composer (3+)
Explanatory videos
Watch here
Features and didactic approach
Intuitive controls, no reading skills required
Child-friendly content and use
Developed for and with children
First playful contact to music
Pedagogically valuable and designed with lots of love
Language training through special scoring of the musical notes
Automatized composition of songs by playing them on the instrument
First and very simplified introduction to the musical notation system
Strengthening the bond between child and parents
Development and stimulation of creativity
Exporting of own music as MP3 – perfect as ringtone
Technical features
Real-time recognition of the instrument via microphone
Designed for touch screen devices
Available in English, German and Portuguese
Motivations for development
Nowadays, the creative development of a child is limited, even more with increasing age. Partly this is connected with the educational system, which does not consider creative development to be of the necessary importance, just like society itself. However, the opportunity of free creative expression has many advantages: Development of skills for independent problem solving; necessary patience not to be frustrated by failures or also strengthening of self-confidence.
Many parents are aware of this – and the search for alternative media to give children this opportunity is increasing. Along with our main focus of providing music reading, we also care about the creative development of the child.
Baby Composer is therefore our contribution to free expression in early musical education. Through the frequency recognition system, which is already used in our app “Flute Master”, our goal is to enable children to play freely on a carillon while learning to make musical notes. Each musical note gets its place on a very simplified score. The introduction to note reading, which can also be done with “Hello Music”, is thereby also achieved.
Description (factual)
“Baby Composer” allows children between 3 to 6 years old to freely compose their own little melodic sequences. The playing of musical notes, also called “mujies”, is made possible by using a tuned carillon. The app is able to recognize the notes via a built-in microphone. Finally, the composed melody can be played back in various ways – to encourage note reading or even as an individual ringtone.
Description (emotional)
With “Baby Composer” every toddler can prove himself as a little Mozart by playing a tuned carillon. Through a smart sound recognition system, the musical notes are transformed into a little musical piece. This allows every toddler to develop creatively in early years. The adjustable playback functions encourage children to learn how to read music. If mom and dad like it, they can even use their child’s creations as a ringtone.
This is what the music retailer says:
Frank Steinbrecher, musik-city Pforzheim:
„These methods are AMAZING: I use – also with my children – many apps in the educational field (Klett/Ravensburger …) and I am thrilled. Both in terms of haptics and design, as well as the learning pedagogy, Classplash’s musical apps are super motivating. Not only for the kids, I also see the opportunity for music retailers to participate: on the one hand with the sale of vouchers / code cards, but on the other hand especially because we motivate kids playfully by using the apps with REAL INSTRUMENTS. If it were only computer dulls, we would all have less of it, but especially the linking is ingeniously solved (great when you see which note you should play on the flute to win “points”!). “
This is what the editor-in-chief says:
Axel Mikolajczak, STICKS, the magazine for drummers:
„ Playing with the Rhythmic Village app is simply so much fun! In an entertaining way, beginners can explore the world of rhythm – learning about drum and percussion instruments or to read rhythmic notes in a very easy way. Advanced players can improve their rhythmic skills through the higher levels of this amusing app. With the Rhythmic Village app, rhythm and groove can be learned in a fun way and players begin to develop a good sense of timing. The design is of course primarily suitable for children, beautifully colorful and imaginative, but teenagers or adults will certainly also have a lot of pleasure learning with the motivating Rhythmic Village app.“
Already published articles / interviews / videos
Date | Link | Language | Country oy release | Topics |
3.05.12 | Link | English | USA | Article: Success story to the world’s first price. |
03.12.12 | Video | English | Prague | Educator’s Choice Award Ceremony Partners in Learning 2012 – Microsoft |
09.02.14 | Link | English | Canada | Video: Youtube Reviewer / Influencer about first version of Flute Master |
01.04.14 | Link | English | USA | innteach Review Video Flute Master |
17.07.14 | Link | Portuguese | Portugal | Flute Master Report Nova forma de aprender música |
11.11.14 | Link | Portuguese | Portugal | Video: TV Show. Report about all products (at that time still under Insignio Labs). |
07.02.15 | Link | English | USA | innteach Review Video Rhythmic Village |
24.06.15 | Article | English | England/USA | Award Top best Apps for Kids for Flute Master |
24.06.15 | Article | German | Germany | Award: Beste Kinder Apps for Flute Master |
09.10.15 | Link | Taiwanese | Taiwan | Article: Use / workshop of Rhythmic Village in the classroom. |
17.05.15 | Video Article | English | England/USA | Award: Top best Apps for Kids for Rhythmic Village |
23.05.15 | Video Article | German | Germany | Award: Beste Kinder Apps for Rhythmic Village |
01.09.16 | Book | Portuguese | Portugal | Play 5 – Textbook 5th grade with Flute Master Integration |
01.09.17 | Book | Portuguese | Portugal | Play 6 – Textbook 6th grade with Flute Master Integration |
14.04.18 | Video | German | Germany | Presentation of Classplash at the Musikmesse Frankfurt |
11.06.18 | Link | English | India | Article: All Classplash products |
08.01.15 | Not available | English | USA | YouTube channel: IPlay GameChannel Rhythmic Village |
22.09.16 | Link | English | USA | Smart App for Kids Title: Flute Master |
01.05.18 | Link | German | Germany | Magazine: dasMusikinstrument Title Musical App Worlds (4 pages) All Classplash products |
01.05.18 | Link | German | Germany | Grashüpfer Magazin Recommendation: Flute Master |
01.06.18 | Link | German | Germany | Zeitschrift Sticks Title: Rhythmic Village |
01.08.18 | Link | German | Germany | Arpeggio das Musikmagazin Title: Flute Master |
07.09.18 | Link | German | Germany | Magazine 1st Steps Title: Music was my first love All titles |
27.09.18 | Link | German | Germany | Newsletter Brandora All titles |
09.10.18 | Link | None | India | Didac India 2018 Education Fair Video |
15.10.18 | Link | German | Germany | Katalog MyToys Title: Flute Master |
02.11.18 | Link | English | Greece | YouTube video of a Greek school |
15.11.2018 | – | German | Germany | Catalog: Rofu Toys and More Flute Master |
01.12.2018 | – | German | Germany | Müller Drogeriemarkt: Toy Catalog 2018 Page 100 (Flute Master and Rhythmic Village) |
01.12.18 | Link | English | Worldwide | Microsoft Education Solution Brochure 2018 All titles |
01.01.19 | Link | German | Germany | 100 years of Voggenreiter All titles |
03.02.19 | Link | Russian | Russia | Russian TV reporter plays Flute Master (channel 1 similar ARD) 01-2019 |
02.06.19 | Link | English | Worldwide | Microsoft Education Solution Brochure 2019 All titles |
01.12.19 | – | EU | DE, IT, FR, AT, CH, SI, HU, IT | Aldi catalogues 12/2019 |
26.05.20 | Link | Croatian | Croatia | Pressebericht über Einsatz in Schulen unsere Software |