Baby Composer

Hello Music
Introduce your child in making music – simply make a sound and let the music note dance!

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Yes, it does. Since your child will be using a real glockenspiel or xylophone to play, they will remain involved and engaged in the process. They will quickly achieve success, as the app will always produce a unique music track.
Sure! After the composition is done, you can export the song. If you are using a smartphone, can you even use this song as your new ringtone, - how cool is that?
Because Baby Composer will be one of the first music apps for children, we have decided to use minimal animations and graphics. Our game interface is simple to not distract the children, yet creative enough to ensure that the children have fun!
You have nothing to worry about. All the sounds detected by the microphone will not be saved and will never be sent to anyone. The sounds are detected with the sole purpose of instant recognition on your device, so your private data is safe. For further information, please visit our privacy policy.
Yes, we do! Please visit this page to learn more. Hello Music and Baby Composer are included for free with the World of Music licenses.
Indeed! If you have access to the Google Play Store, you can use our learning App.
Music notation is introduced as “Mujies,” seven living musical notes in the form of adorable animals, which allow the children to explore their musicality through the principle of “action-reaction.” When you play on your instrument the little music note reacts and wakes up! If you keep playing the note starts to dance with popular tunes. Ideal to explore the meter or timing. In our other app "Baby Composer" the "Mujies" will appear in the music staff, introducing your young music explorer to sheet music.
No, you can simply clap, and the Mujies will react. In order to do that, make sure to change the detection mode in the settings menu to “clapping.” However, using rattles, drums, and other instruments can provide additional musical experience.
The reason we are using minimalist effects and graphics is not to overwhelm the kids. We aim to provide the best interactive learning experience, while also avoiding things that could be “too much” for your child.
We only use seven Music Notes, or Mujies, in order to accurately represent the entire note scale.
We always recommend that parents practice music together with their children. While we have put a lot of effort into creating a child-friendly gameplay, doing music together provides children with a better experience. You can believe us, spending this time with the child will be incredibly fun for both of you!
You have nothing to worry about. All the sounds detected by the microphone will not be saved and will never be sent to anyone. The sounds are detected with the sole purpose of instant recognition on your device, so your private data is safe. For further information, please visit our privacy policy.
Yes, we do! Please visit this page to learn more. Hello Music and Baby Composer are included for free with the World of Music licenses.
Through music and learning a musical instrument, self-confidence, social behavior and personality formation, the development of logical-mathematical understanding, word memory, language development, and the stimulation of movement, a sense of rhythm and happiness, among other things, are promoted.